the power of the brain
Do you need a software update?
Do you ever feel stuck?
You want to make a change to your life whether big or small.
You have fantastic intentions but feel torn by making the decision to actually take action!
I can certainly relate to this.
Have you heard of the 95-5% Rule?
Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your brain's processing power, beyond your conscious awareness!
Which leaves the other 5% for your conscious critical thinking on a daily basis.
Pretty incredible, when you think about how much you talk, plan and create throughout your waking hours only accessing 5% of your brain.
It’s the other 95% which is programmed from a young age.
From our parents, peers and experiences. We end up with a load of baggage and beliefs that aren’t ours.
We build up a cloud storage of our core beliefs where the headquarters is controlled by our Amygdala. This ancient part of your brain is responsible for keeping you safe.
However the downside is we can let it control us irrationally when it comes to fear.
Self limiting beliefs can start to develop from a young age….
‘I’m not good enough’
‘I can’t do that’
These are two common self limiting negative beliefs that are hard to shake when it comes to putting our health and fitness first.
We can be afraid to take action as a consequence of being stuck in fear.
It isn't our families fault for our core beliefs. They are coping also in ways they have been taught.
But it doesn’t make those thoughts true.
You can change these self limiting beliefs.
You can change your core values.
It starts by asking.. What’s your actual truth?
You wouldn't ignore your software update on your phone. You want it to work in the best, most efficient way possible.
The same goes for your brain.
For you to challenge the 95% of your brain it needs an update from time to time.
What do you actually want your lifestyle to look like?
What’s holding you back?
Because you are good enough...
And yes you can do it!
Update your software, update your mindset, Become a Stronger You.
This is all part of how I can help you. Reach out here!
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