The Magic pill
If your doctor prescribed you two strength sessions a week would you do them?
I get it, you're busy.
Why head to the gym twice a week for your lower back pain or lethargy when your local GP can give you a magic pill to take away the problem.
It is the path with least friction but I do believe you could be masking the problem.
Resistance training can be just the medicine you need.
A study by Westcott, Wayne L. PhD, 2012 stated:
“Inactive adults experience a 3% to 8% loss of muscle mass per decade, accompanied by resting metabolic rate reduction and fat accumulation. Ten weeks of resistance training may increase lean weight by 1.4 kg, increase resting metabolic rate by 7%, and reduce fat weight by 1.8 kg. Benefits of resistance training include improved physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence, cognitive abilities, and self-esteem.”
So when we talk about building a stronger you, we are not just talking about building the size of your muscles.
We are talking about improving your general health, bone density, brain function, movement control and mental health.
Singh et al have researched the effects of resistance training on depression in elderly individuals. In a classic study, they found that more than 80% of the depressed elders who performed three weekly sessions of resistance training were no longer clinically depressed after just 10 weeks of exercise.
The important thing to remember here is it doesn’t take 3 hours a week of hardcore lifting sessions.
You just need enough stimulus on a muscle for it to change and grow.
Or put it another way... you just need enough stimulus in your life for it to change and grow.
I can show you how to do that.
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