Can we learn from the elite?

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    Event Special with Sam Beveridge

    How do elite athletes stay so focused and dedicated to their goals? 

    Can we be inspired by even a fraction of their values, and improve the way we live our lives? 

    The obvious point here to make is that we are not full time athletes. We have full time jobs, families to look after and tight schedules to stick to. 

    But this is possibly an even better time to learn from the best mindsets around. 

    I’m excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for you to learn from the minds of elite athletes, and how their approach may help you.

    Sam Beveridge, GB and England Woman’s Hockey Manager, will be joining us on Tuesday 25th October at 7.30pm for a talk on all of the above!

    Can We Learn From The Elite? 

    Don’t miss out on this eye-opening event. Save your seat via the form above.